Preggophilia: Everything You Need To Know
Some like it hot, some like it pregnant. Yes, there’s a fetish for baby bumps, and it’s called preggophilia.
People have very complicated feelings about pregnancy. Women don’t necessarily feel their sexiest while pregnant, thanks to the weight gain and dramatic physical changes to their body while carrying a baby within.
In fact, pregnancy can be a very trying time for the soon-to-be parents. The focus for most expecting couples, obviously and understandably, is to make sure that both mother and baby are safe and healthy during delivery.
But the people around them don’t necessarily have to deal with these thoughts. For most people, they see a pregnant woman and get way too excited about the impending birth. This is why some nosy strangers (usually older women, too) will go so far as to touch the pregnant woman’s baby bump. Some may even ask rude and inappropriate questions.
And then there are those who go beyond regular curiosity into actual sexual attraction. This is preggophilia.
Unsurprisingly, there are people who find this fetish weird and creepy. This sort of reaction is true for almost every non-vanilla fetish out there. We make fun of Quentin Tarantino for his foot fetish, so you can just imagine how people react to the sexualization of pregnant moms.
Here’s the thing, though: preggophilia sounds weird, but there’s no reason to kink-shame people just because you don’t experience the same kind of attraction. We as a society are moving towards a more enlightened and sex-positive approach to human sexuality, so why should anyone make fun of another person’s fetishes?
It’s time to undertake a more mature approach to understanding fetishes, and there’s no better way to do that than to look into some facts:
It’s not just the baby bump.
The sexual attraction that people experience isn’t limited to the baby bump. There are fetishists who find the entire concept of pregnancy very sexy, so they are into pregnant women whether or not the bump is visible.
There are also fetishists who are more attracted to lactation than the pregnancy itself. A lesser known off-shoot fringe is into male pregnancy, but we’ll focus on pregnant women for the rest of this discussion.
In any case, it’s pregnancy itself — the creation of new life — that fetishists find very sexually attractive.
Pregnant women aren’t asexual.
One reason why so many people find preggophilia taboo is because we don’t like to think of pregnant women as sexual beings. Sure, they had sex which is how they got pregnant in the first place, but now that they’re with child, we can’t see them as sexual beings anymore.
This is a very damaging mentality, and frankly a toxic approach to gender and sex. Women don’t lose their sexuality just because they’re pregnant. In fact, the hormonal changes can make pregnant women a lot hornier than usual.
Thinking that women can’t be sexual just because they’re expecting is regressive and ignores their needs.
Fetishists are attracted to pregnant women, not the child within.
A major misconception — a serious one at that — is that preggophiles are one step away from pedophilia. Those who don’t understand the fetish assume that they are simply weirdos and perverts who are into the unborn child.
That is not the case, and a clear distinction should be made. Preggophiles are attracted to pregnant women and find the concept of pregnancy sexy — something only grown, adult women can achieve.
Pregnancy isn’t just a physical transformation. It is an emotional journey for the woman, and a person who finds this stage in a woman’s life sexually attractive — that simply cannot be further from pedophilia.
Women can be preggophiles, too.
People assume that only men can be sexually attracted to pregnant women, but that’s not true at all. Women can have thIs same fetish, which makes things interesting when they themselves get pregnant.
Although most vocal preggophiles are men, there is no reason to assume that women are immune to this specific fetish. In fact, there are women who find utmost sexual gratification while pregnant. This is a very real aspect of pregnancy that often gets overlooked.
There’s a scientific reason for preggophilia.
Yes, there’s a reason behind the “madness,” so to speak. Sure, you may think sexual attraction to pregnant women is odd, but it turns out there’s a logical — scientific, even — reason to explain it.
A team of doctors from Italy and Sweden noticed a lot of activity in online fetish groups, with particular interest in pregnant women and lactation. Being scientists, they figured that the attraction wasn’t limited to the physical aspect of pregnancy.
Instead, the main attraction for these preggophiles was sexual maturity. To figure out the likely source of this attraction, the scientists conducted a survey with 2200 respondents in total. What they discovered was very interesting, indeed.
As per the study, one thing most preggophiles had in common was a younger sibling — about one to five years younger to be specific.This means that the person was exposed pretty early to the concept of pregnancy and lactation.
Since most people seek sexual partners that are similar to their own parents, it’s unsurprising that some of them find pregnancy and breast-feeding particularly attractive.
Banish the thought of Freud here, please. It’s not about seeing your own mother as specifically sexual. Instead, preggophiles — like many other people — gain their sense of normalcy by looking at the adults rearing them in childhood. As such, when seeking sexual partners, they tend to look for those that most closely resemble the parent they grew up with. In some cases, as the study has discovered, this includes sexual maturity and pregnancy.
Being attracted to a pregnant woman does not make a man “weak”.
This is another case of social and gender dynamics affecting sexual attraction. Some people try and police other people’s fetishes, projecting their own insecurities and social misconceptions on others.
One common insult lobbed against preggophile men is the fact that they’re attracted to a woman who is carrying someone else’s child. For those who cling to their “macho” ways, this means that you are interested in being a cuckold.
First of all, that is a very regressive caveman mentality that reduces women to property. Second, the fetish is — again — about sexual maturity and the concept of pregnancy. It does not mean that a man is weak just because he’s attracted to a woman carrying some other man’s child.
Some preggophiles do deal in stolen photos of pregnant women.
This is the issue that sparked the entire online controversy. A woman had posted photos of her baby bump on social media, only to discover that the photos had been taken and distributed in an online fetish site.
The problem with this entire controversy is that the people on the fetish site took the photos without the woman’s express permission. They decided to upload the photos and share them with others for a purpose that she didn’t approve or felt comfortable with.
There is no denying that this problem exists in the community, which has made it a lot more difficult for people to accept that the fetish in and of itself isn’t harmful. This is such a major concern that pregnancy forums now warn their members from sharing photos of their pregnant bellies online lest unscrupulous people take them and share them on fetish sites.
Consent is key.
Fetishes are not by nature automatically “evil” or “wrong”. The keyword for a healthy and sex-positive society is consent — that’s all there is to it.
Let’s take the issue of the stolen photos. These women shared their pregnant pictures with friends and family. They did not agree to have people steal these photos and share them on pornographic sites. Taking the photos without their consent and using them for purposes the women found uncomfortable is problematic.
Now, let’s say a pregnant women consent to having her photo taken and shared on a fetish site. That’s a different matter altogether. She knows the purpose of the photo, she understands what the fetishists want from the photos, and she agrees. In that scenario, one can truly say that there is no harm done.
In anything related to sexual matters, it’s very important to have all parties consent to the entire process. The key is to be respectful and to make sure that you are not making anyone uncomfortable.
Fetishes are normal, but what sets it apart from perversion is the respect accorded to the one fetishized. Taking photos from unsuspecting women who did not agree to such usage — that’s not cool.
What should you do if you think you’re a preggophile?
SO let’s say you find yourself attracted to pregnant women. What’s next for you?
(1) Don’t panic.
You’re not a monster or a pervert like alarmists want you to think. Fetishes are normal, and there’s nothing inherently evil in being sexually attracted to pregnant women. Don’t beat yourself up over this.
Sure it may seem different or even weird, but honestly there’s a wide range of fetishes out there. If people can be into feet or food items, there’s no reason why you should let anyone shame you for your sexual kinks.
(2) You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.
If you want to keep your sexual fetishes on the down low, go ahead. That’s your prerogative! What you get up to in your bedroom isn’t anyone else’s business. They have no right to demand an explanation from you.
You don’t have to explain, acknowledge, or even talk about your fetish if this makes you uncomfortable. No one needs to know about this unless you expressly decide to be vocal. It’s as simple as that.
(3) If you think you need it, you can always see a therapist.
So let’s say your fetish makes you feel very uncomfortable, and you still can’t get to grips with it. It happens, especially when you’re young and you’re not entirely ready to handle certain fetishes. The aforementioned study noted that most people realized they had this kink at age 18.
We are not saying you have to, but the option of seeking a therapist is always open. A therapist is an objective third party. They won’t divulge what you share, and you will be able to discuss your feelings and experiences without worry.
Some people might find that speaking to a friend is good enough, but if trust is a factor or if you’re unwilling to share certain aspects of your life with friends and family, a therapist is a great option.
(4) Respect boundaries and seek consent when indulging.
There is nothing wrong about being sexually attracted to pregnant women, in the same way that there is nothing wrong with finding feet attractive. What separates a normal person from a pervert isn’t the weird fetish — it’s in how you indulge your sexual needs.
Don’t steal photos online, and definitely don’t join any pornographic or fetish sites that deal in stolen photos. Although it may seem like you’re not harming anyone, a little empathy is all you need to know that stealing photos is uncomfortable and harmful for the women whose photos are taken without their consent.
Kinks are perfectly fine, as long as consent is given. Keep that in mind and you’ll be fine.
(5) Find like-minded individuals.
Believe it or not, you’re not alone. Other people experience sexual attraction to pregnant women, too. You can find an open community of like-minded people and indulge in your fetish in a healthy and respectful way.
In fact, most preggophile communities are highly respectful of pregnant women, and will help you with your sexual fantasies in a very positive way. You don’t have to go through this alone. You can seek people who share the same fetish, or you could find partners that are accepting of your kink and are willing to role-play.
Go ahead and find your people, so you can be sexually satisfied in an indulgent yet respectful way.